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Put Your Farm on the Map – And Win!

We have an exciting new opportunity for you – the Put Your Farm On the Map Contest, sponsored by our partners at Barn2Door. If you are trying to improve your soil health with you farm, ranch or garden, this contest is for you!

Put your soil health project on our map and show the power in numbers of soil health farmers and advocates around the world. You will also be entered to win more than $2,000 in prizes:

Prizes list for the Put Your Farm on the Map contest

To enter the contest, fill in the information requested on the contest page, and make sure to include a picture of your great work! Submissions will go into a review with our editors who will approve within 24-48 hours. Contest ends January 31, 2022. This map will be displayed in a future Acres U.S.A. magazine.

Put your farm on the map – Enter today!